Games made for Mobile

Optimized games for mobile

The games that belong to the category, for mobiles, when created, are tested on different mobiles through the application from GOOGLE, they use all the capabilities of each mobile, e.g. it uses multiple cores, and if the game runs at a constant refresh rate of FPS 60, either the mobile is slow or it is fast.

In UNITY, parallel code techniques (Multithreading) have been used, as well as all the best, plugins, for optimal speed

-Optimized for mobile

Take control and fly Vault 51 spaceship

  • Android friendly
  • Easy game
  • Fast speed

Arkanoid The Legend II 
-Optimized for mobile

Destroy all bricks with silver ball in amazing 100 ++ levels

  • Android friendly
  • Easy game
  • Fast speed

Speedy Paddle
-Optimized for mobile

Destroy all bricks with silver ball in amazing 100++ levels

  • Android friendly
  • Easy game
  • Fast speed

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I am a freelance developer since 2010 and I love to create games

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